Tagged: non-disparagement

U.S. National Labor Relations Board Restricts Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement Terms for Separation and Release Agreements

Employers have frequently included confidentiality and non-disparagement terms in their separation and release agreements. Confidentiality terms help ensure that employees won’t brag to coworkers about large payouts and encourage them to seek similar payouts. Such payouts can also give the impression that a company is looking to avoid exposure for wrongdoing, and confidentiality terms can help maintain the privacy of such payouts. Non-disparagement terms can help companies deter departing employee from publically trashing their former employers on their way out the door. Employees don’t always leave on good terms and non-disparagement terms can help incent employees to keep their negative opinions to themselves. U.S. employers, however, must re-evaluate their use of confidentiality and...