Tagged: Marijuana

Canada-U.S. Trade in Marijuana-Related Products is Fraught with Peril

Now that Canada allows using and producing marijuana and marijuana-related products, and bordering U.S. states like Washington, Maine, and Michigan have similarly relaxed marijuana-related laws, it seems natural that industries on both sides of the border will look for cross-border business opportunities. But cross-border transactions between the Canadian and U.S. marijuana industries face a potentially insurmountable obstacle: items primarily intended for the marijuana industry are considered prohibited drug paraphernalia and are illegal to import into or export from the United States. We refer to this statute as the Paraphernalia Statute. The Paraphernalia Statute prohibits paraphernalia from being imported into, exported from, or transported across U.S. state lines. The statute also prohibits the use of the...

Canadians Involved in Cannabis Industry Should be Careful Crossing the U.S. Border

With the legalization of marijuana going into effect in Canada tomorrow, October 17, we encourage our Canadian contacts to be careful when crossing the U.S. Border. For more information, see the recent article authored by Dorsey’s Immigration Practice Group posted on our Cannabis Blog here: dorseycann.com/at-the-intersection-of-cannabis-and-u-s-immigration-law-issues-that-canadians-and-other-non-citizens-should-be-aware-of/.

Canadian Cannabis Companies Begin to Trade on National Stock Exchanges in the United States

With the listing on May 24th of Canopy Growth Corporation (Canopy) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), both NASDAQ and the NYSE have permitted Canadian cannabis companies to trade on their respective exchanges. Canopy, the first Canadian cannabis company to list on the NYSE, follows Cronos Group Inc. (Cronos), which was the first Canadian cannabis company to list on a national stock exchange in the United States when it listed on NASDAQ in February. While neither exchange has formally adopted a policy on the listing of cannabis companies, informally they are willing, on a case-by-case basis, to accept a company with cannabis operations, so long as the company complies with all relevant...