Author: Dorsey & Whitney

Dorsey is a business law firm, applying a business perspective to clients' needs. We make it our first priority to know the context in which you do business - your market, your competitors, your industry.


Dorsey’s Mining Practice Group and Attorneys Recognized in Chambers Global 2024

Dorsey’s Mining & Metals practice area and three mining partners, the most lawyers of any U.S. law firm, received a Band 1 recognition by Chambers and Partners in its Chambers Global 2024. The recognized attorneys from Dorsey’s Canada Cross-Border practice group include Kimberley Anderson, Chris Doerksen and Wells Parker – just in time for the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Convention! The Chambers Global Guide ranks the top lawyers and law firms in over 200 jurisdictions across the world. Each ranking is based on Chambers’ in-depth research conducted by its dedicated and experienced team of researchers. It annually collects hundreds of thousands of responses from clients. Learn more about Dorsey’s Mining practice...

SEC Issues Guidance on COVID-19 Disclosures and Other Matters

On March 25, the SEC issued CF Disclosure Guidance Topic No. 9 that provides the Division of Corporation Finance’s current views regarding disclosure and other securities law obligations that companies should consider with respect to COVID-19 and related business and market disruptions. In the guidance, the SEC recognizes that it may be difficult to assess or predict with precision the broad effects of COVID-19 on industries or individual companies. Never the less, the guidance is clear that the SEC considers COVID-19 developments to be material and that public companies have an obligation to address these risks even as the business risks are evolving and impacts on a specific company are uncertain. As a...